Tuesday, November 28, 2006

BENJI SCHWIMMER. move over, clayaiken

PROMISE ME YOU WILL watch this! hes my new obsession. the geek who won 'so you think you can dance 2'. anyway he is the first dork-dancer i know. all the other dancers in the show are poseur and beefy and gross. hahaha.

his partner is heidi, another contestant in so you think you can dance. shes his cousin. they've been in competitive swing dance since they were kids. haha.

he has so many characteristics similar to clay. i think my taste is too uniform.
- strong christian; he served a missionary for 2 years, gave up dancing.
-after going back to US, he found out his fiancee dumped him (AWWWW)
-he went back to dancing as an emotional outlet haha!
- he resembles clay, just that he is less self-conscious about his geekiness. how cool is that.
-he REALLY is a total geek, u will realise this upon watching a few episodes of so you think you can dance. hahaha
-he cried after winning the show. so cute. haha.
- he was always bullied in school because of his geekiness i suppose (AWWWW)
-after shooting to fame, he set up a charity called DEMAND. (clay set up a foundation called Bubel-Aiken Foundation)
-he makes me laugh
-he is the US champion in the west coast swing. swing happens to be my favourite gendre of dance. because it is fun to watch yet requires high technical precision. means he got a lot of seh. top in the US Open Championships.

but somehow i think benji's much much much more attractive than clay. even though objectively, clay's more handsome. hahaha. but benji is sooo endearing!

well i hope i've converted at least some of you into becoming benji fans through this post. but knowing how u all always slam my taste... i doubt its going to happen. haha. (:


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