escape artist? how is that related to seduction?

haha my torts exam ended today. and guess who was sitting beside me in the exam hall :/ it was the eyecandy aha. and i was looking like total crap cos i went from hall and i wore this damn black faced expression cos i was feeling stressed and pissed haha. what a great way to leave an impression haha. not like i care. he can likened to the moon, and the exam, the sun. when the sun comes up, the glow of the moon is obscured- u dont even see the existence of the moon anymore. haha.
haha and misanthropy?-how very true. i have lost all faith in the human race.
haha ok i should stop being so dark and macabre and jaded and depressed. haha ive already gotten past the angsty and emo stage many years there's just a weariness and tiredness. :( as stacie oricco sings it, 'theres got to be more to life'. HAHAHA.
wait a minute. was it stacie orrico in the first place? haha blur
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