with more photos haha ^_^ here's the pics of us at the airport.. huiyan and me.. anyway iris!! you're going on a road trip?!! where???? haha must take care kayz!! (if you're actually reading this before your road trip).. and lorenda haha yes i will take lots of pics.. and will slowly upload them onto the blog.. i'm planning of taking a video of my dorm so if i can i will upload it here too.. if that's possible lahz.. haha so don't hope too hard ^_^ but photos definitely.. (and that's arlin, hy and me ^_^.. did i spell her name correctly?)
and now for our favourite topic.. the weather!! haha it's pretty

cold but it's starting to warm up already.. ok fine it's not that cold afterall.. it was supposed to be 19 degrees today lahz.. but the winds are
coooooold.. haha anyway the weather i would say is good haha.. but i don't want to know what winter will be like =_= and i heard that during summer centipedes and cockroaches find their way into your room which is absolutely gross.... arghz. save me. (and yes don't laugh >.<) so anywayz women.. i'll try to blog as often as i can since i can't seem to log on to msn.. skype's no prob.. but i'll become like huiyan.. don't want to disturb the others in the room haha.. and the rest of you: blog!! haha anyway if any of you are crazy enough to call, my room's telephone number is
(81)072-749-2936.. won't be able to get a handphone till next month 'cause the identification card needed will only be ready next month *cries* and yes my room address:
Room 2302Dormitory for Foreign Students Building 2Osaka University of Foreign Studies8-1-1 Aomadani-Higashi, Mino-shiOsaka 562-8558 Japanlove you lots women! and really missing you guys......
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