Tuesday, December 02, 2008


haha lorlee, i'm sure your exam would be better than you think... at least that has been the trend for the past 7 years since we've known you. (haha it's been 7 years...) came here to destress and end up seeing this. and thought it would be VERY interesting for me to fill it in...




Tomboy or Girly Girl?
tomboy. HAHA.

Describe your beauty routine?

Describe your hair?
long and messy. i need a haircut but it's getting cold...

Describe your personal style?
none? :D

Do you...
Like metrosexual boys?
Not at all. They threaten my sexuality by looking better than me. Hurts my ego. Haha.

Like accessories?

Like high heels?
Not at all :D

Like matchy matchy, or mix and match?
Haha i don't quite understand this question

Spend a lot of money on beauty products in general?
hmm no i should think... though i spend a lot on toiletries cos i use a lot for some strange reason. counted?

Shop online for clothes?
haha no.. never tried cos my body is so weird

Article of clothing in your closet?
er... my imaginary tweed jacket. haha.

Makeup line?
haha probably my own kimchi brand. which is also non-existent.

Skincare line?
neutrogena and body shop. for the anti-blemish thingys.

'sorry don't put perfume'. i quote zeng

Colours to wear??
all the depressing colours like black and blue. actually, haha i don't really care as long as i can wear it.

What stuff...
What is a trend you dislike the most??
hmm i'm sure there's something but it doesn't cross my mind at the moment. oh now i remember. midriff-baring clothes during the late 1990s britney-spears-era. it's like somewhere between wearing a bra and wearing a t-shirt.

also, guys wearing muscle tees. HAHA.

What is your fashion philosophy?
none. :D

What kind of shoes do you like?
sneakers... particularly nike low dunks that wear out after 6months. :(

What is your biggest fashion problem?
that I have none?

What trends do you think should come back?
what people wore 2000 years ago... just wrapping themselves with cloth and the like. Very convenient and cheap.

What one piece re you dying to add to your wardrobe?
hmm... a hooded winter coat i guess. hopefully checkered.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
if i just brush my teeth, 10 min in the toilet
if i bath, 30 min in the toilet
then like 2 min to dress up. HAHA.

Would you ever go out in public without makeup?
'i would say i NEVER go out in public with makeup'. quoting zeng, and capitalised for emphasis.

If you had a fashion budget of 1 million dollars, where would you shop, and why?
haha i think would use the money and buy a mini cooper first... then get some nice tech stuff that look good. those are considered fashion items too right? so i guess a car dealer, and possibly BestBuy in the states or Apple store or something like that.

Is there anything you absolutely CAN'T wear?
haha more like is there anything I can wear? question easier to answer: jeans and t-shirt

If you had to pick one designer to wear for the rest of your life, who would it be, and why?
'i don't know much about designers and have never worn any designer stuff... so... i don't know. haha'. quoting zengo again. but i'll probably want to design my own t-shirts, which probably are oversized and single-coloured with weird slogans.

anyway, i hope everyone is doing well. :D i'm quite tired now but i'm looking forward to the end of the next 2 weeks.. then i'll finally have a break! :D

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