Sunday, October 22, 2006


yong jeng i like your haircut :) eek i need to cut my hair too. sho messy. :(

oh no everyone is so stressed here.. except me. :) but then shun ling said i should pack early.. so i need to go scout for winter clothes and wait for a sale. :) think they'll hold it for me until january? stupid winter clothes are so bloody expensive.

shun ling! :) i like your room! it's so cute and cosy and so.. loft-like :) it's an ideal bedroom! :D hope you and your roommate are having fun going mad together! i miss going mad with shun ling :(

hee i haven't left ntu yet. :) i'm going to withdraw soon though. end of this month :) so i really can't wait. maybe i'll apply for the fedex job with zengo. :D then we can work together!! OOH. :D so exciting. :D :D can bully the zeng every day :D

the haze here is slightly better now. at least the psi is less than 100 now. :D so can go jogging!! ;D be healthy!

vivvy!! don't be sadd!! :( -hugs- don't worry ok? and no you're not weird in feeling homesick :) it's natural!! :) but cheer up okay? hope the day after you posted was a better day!! :) and all the days after that were better! :) and all the days after are better too :) -hug hug- shun ling!! :) hope you're ok too!! -hug hug shun ling-

i miss all you womans :) hee i just laughed because i find it amusing how we call each other woman. like "aye woman.." :) miss you all loads!! oh and vivvy is aunty also. :) ahhh miss you all. updateee!! must keep the cobwebs and the dust out!! :D


hey dearies!!!

sorry for the long silence from me :( i have been very lazy to post anything cos the thought of typing long messages has put me off. but since i am bored today, i shall post something up... oh ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to oafie!!! i have sent a card vis snail mail to her but i don't really know if she has gotten it so could somebody help me ask her? PLEASE???? hahahaha

so anyways, life has been pretty boring here of late and i am starting to feel really really homesick especially on weekends like sundays...:( i tend to just feel veryvery sad and i don't really know why... i guess i am wierd right? to still feel like this after so many weeks yup but some of my friends at my hall don't seem to understand it quite well why i feel sad ...

i went to tate modern museum yesterday and it was really fun cos i got to slide down a really long slide that is 5 storeys high (great fun!!!) and i went with my hall friends haha:) so that is the only exciting thing that happened to me all week... next week, 4 out of 5 days i start at 9 and 4 out of 5 days i end at 5 pm so owells pretty boring routine life :) and also, i think dissection starts next week, so i guess it will be an interesting experience... so sorry thst i sound so boring and not excited cos today is one of my lousy days:( it has been raining all day and the sky is grey and it is a sunday and i feel sad in general :S i hope you guys don't mind me ranting about nonsense haha... i hope tomorrow will be a better day!

I miss you guys loads! whenerver i think of home, i start to tear... my brother is back at singapore for 3 weeks too so i don't get to see him :( owells haha

don't wanna make you all sad... see you guys! and hope you guys keep posting more messages! can't wait to read them!


Saturday, October 21, 2006


hey you!

haha it's getting quiet in here and i hope that the haze in singapore hasn't killed anyone yet. :)

anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY OAFIE!! yeah really sorry for not msging you. :(

how has everyone been? haha how's huiyan and lorenda coping with the upcoming mid-terms? has iris left ntu? :D and how's fedex zengo?? haha i hope it's getting better..

other than lorlee who's posting quite faithfully.. haha update ppl! show us pictures of ur outing! :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006


HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOO it's lorlee here again. after a long hiatus haha. anyway i am currently staying back in school even though school hours are officially over. but my ahem tutor is holding an extra tutorial which operates on a 'pay to play' basis. :S:S:S:S:S:S and i had to prepare an essay as a ticket for entry into this extra tutorial!!
how crap is that!!! sigh. please update more about your lives! oafie! you haven't posted yet :) hai. ok this is so not private. i am typing this withmy screen half closed hahahahahaahahahah. sigh. ok shall update you guys after my tutorial is over. this is a combined tutorial so my eyecandy is like sitting 5 m away from me. cos hes also under this tutor. hahaha!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006



if you want to see pictures of my room(s) please go to they are under the 'room views in london' category!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

i cut my hair

haha yes i did... and it's a length i haven't had in the last 6 years i think... and i think the hairdresser ruined it. arghz. i'm am looking like a disaster now i think... don't laugh. and here's the photo so that you don't have to torture your brains trying to imagine how i actually look.. yes. as i have promised lorenda. here's the picture.ok i'm starting my fedex job tomorrow so wish me luck. and take care folks. very important. and post pics. that's an order and resistance is futile (as shunling's brother will put it haha)


hello dearies. i am so dead. haha. but i have been enlightened; i have learnt to accept my deadness. and that, my friends, is an invaluable skill.

anyway, how's life for y'all? has iris stopped attending school altogether? haha. she seems so so carefree and fun-loving (: oafie's bogged down by work... i can sense her tiredness. and i think when zengo starts on her fedex job, she'd be tired out too. needless to say, hy is another victim of the singapore school system. argh!

hmmm... i am sleepies. i slept at 4 am becaused i tossed and turned after tucking myself in at 3 am. and i woke up at 3 pm today. how lovely. all my work's piling up. hahahaha. but remember, i have learnt to accept my deadness already. hahahaha.

anyway... life in singapore for me is pretty much routine. home, readings which i just scan and forget for lecture, tutorials to smoke through, discussing tutorials in our assigned small groups and feeling ignorant cos the rest read up on everything already, readings and notes to remember properly for tests, more readings for tutorials/lectures, booking out of hall on fridays, booking back in with a sense of dread on sunday nights, taking nus shuttle bus to bukit timah campus, shuttle back to hall after school, hardly having time for myself, etc, watching hk dramas (7 pm weeknights channel 8- Better Halves starring maggie cheung ho yee, steven ma, MOSES CHAN!, ...) only at home because tv access in hall in inconvenient and limited, classes that end at 6 plus and reaching hall only at 7 plus, hockey trainings that start at 7,leaving no time for dinner or work to do after the training, because it takes damn long to cool down in hot humid singapore, dying during training,hahaha, ... stoning in lectures the day after, hanging out with roughly the same people in school, keeping low profile, talking about the same academic related stuff day in day out...

am i boring you guys! so sorry. please post pics of uk soon! cant wait to see them. hope you dears enjoy yourselves and dont forget the society members back in Sg! (:

love as always, lorlee


hi Dears!!!

sorry i haven't been writing to you all lately:( been rather busy with stuff lately ... the lectures have started...:S and these lectures are the real thing hahaha on fri we had lecture on histology of soft connective tisseu and in the middle of the lecture, there was a fire drill so the lecturer made us file out and then we waited for like half an hour then went into the lecture again hahahaha i found it so funny i was laughing all the way but all the other students didn't think it was funny hahahahahah i think it is what RGS has done to me over the 4 years of secondary school and mock "emergency simulations" hahahaha i think i was the only one who found it amusing hahaha but anyway, our lecture was cut short so the lecturer rushed like mad and then in the end i think i didn't quite understand what he was saying oopsy ...i think i will have to read the textbook:(... but i find that the way they teach here is quite different from that in singapore ... here it is lots and lots of independent learning cos the lecture is really just brief overview of the whole thing... he doesn't go into much detail at all :( which is sad cos then i have to read up most of it :(... hahahaha but owells, i do hope i can cope with it all...

ooh i met shun the other day (yesterday) and i saw her room :) it is a double room and it is an attic room i must say it has a better view than mine cos all i see from my room window is the sad opposite blocks hahaaha grey and sad ... haha so i bought a plant:) and also i can see the pple in their rooms cos my view overlooks other's rooms(so if they forgot to close their curtains and they start changing, they are in full view of everyone !! oops!) hahaha so anyways, i met shun ling and she came over to my hall to do laundry cos her laundry room is not done yet i think (sigh the inefficiencies of the system here) but unfortunately the clothes were not very dry so she had to bring them back to hang them...:(

oooh i went to the london zoo yesterday:) with some of my hall mates(both are quite nice:) one is a welsh girl from the north of wales and the other is a girl from the town of kent) and we saw lots of animals:) then i had dinner with the singapore malaysian society pple of the school... nothing too interesting to report besides the fact that i was unfotunate enough to be sitting next to a guy who is kind of a perve :( he said really disgusting stuff and i hope to erase him from my memory hahahaha

yeah abt the pictures, i am having trouble with transfering picture from my phone to the computer:( and i don't have a digital camera:( so owells, when i do realise how to go about doing it, i will send you all photos!

ok send my love to all who have no chance of reading this :)

